High Kingship of Ireland1
House of Ui Néill
Niall of the Nine Hostages (445-452) King of Tara
Lóegaire (452-463)
Ailill Molt (463-482)
Lugaid (482-507)
Muirchertach I (CE) (507-534)
Tuathal Máelgarb (534-544)
Diarmait I (544-565)
Forggus (CE) (565-566)
Domnall Ilchelgach (CE) (565-566) co-regent
Ainmire (CE) (566-569)
Báetán I (CE) (569-572)
Eochaid (CE) (569-572) co-regent
Báetán II (572-586)
Áed (CC) (586-598)
Áed Sláine (AS) (598-604)
Colmán Timid (CE) (598-604) co-regent
Áed Uaridnach (CE) (606-612)
Máel Cobo (CC) (612-615)
Suibne Menn (CE) (615-628)
Domnall (CC) (628-642)
Conall Cáel (CC) (642-654)
Cellach (CC) (642-658) co-regent
Diarmait II (AS) (658-665)
Blathmac (AS) (658-665) co-regent
Sechnussach (AS) (665-671)
Cennfaelad (AS) (671-675)
Finsnechta Feldach (AS) (675-695)
Loingsech (AS) (695-704)
Congal Cennmagair (CC) (704-710)
Fergal (CE) (710-722)
Fogartach (AS) (722-724)
Cináed (AS) (724-728)
Flaithbertach (CC) (728-734)
Áed Allán (CE) (734-743)
Domnall Midi (CCh) (743-763)
Niall Frossach (CE) (763-770)
Donnchad Midi (CCh) (770-797)
Áed Oirdnide (CE) (797-819)
Conchobar (CCh) (819-833)
Niall Caille (CE) (833-846)
Máel Sechnaill I (CCh) (846-862)
Áed Findliath (CE) (862-879)
Flann Sinna (CE) (879-916)
Niall Glúndub (CE) (916-919)
Donnchad Donn (CCh) (919-944)
Congalach Cnogba (AS) (944-956)
Domnall us Néill (CE) (956-980)
Máel Sechnaill II (CCh) (980-1002)
Brian Bóruma (1002-1014) Dál Cais, King of Munster
Máel Sechnaill II (1014-1022)
Interregnum (1022-1072)
Tairrdelbach I (1072-1086)
Muirchertach II (1086-1119)
Domnall us Lochlainn (CE) (1119-1121)
Tairrdelbach II (1121-1156) Ua Conchobair, King of Connaught
Muirchertach III (CE) (1156-1166)
Ruaidrí (1166-1186)
CC Cenél Conaill
CE Cenél nEógain
CCh Clann Cholmáin
AS Síl nÁedo Sláine
Kingship of Kent2
Hengest (455-488)
Oisc (488-512)
Octa (512-522)
Eormenric (522-560)
Aethelbert I (560-616)
Eadbald (616-640)
Earconbert (640-664)
Egbert I (664-673)
Hlothere (673-685)
Eadric (685-686)
West Saxon rule (686-688)
Oswine (688-690)
Swaefhard (689-694)
Wihtred (690-725)
Aethelbert II (725-748)
Eadberght (748-762)
Sigered (762-764)
Heaberht (764-770)
Egbert II (765-784)
Ealhmund (784-785)
Eadberht II (796-798)
Cuthred (798-807)
Mercian rule (807-823)
Baldred (823-825)
West Saxon annexation of Kent (c. 825)
Kingship of Bernicia2
Ida (547-559)
Glappa (559-560)
Adda (560-568)
Aethelric (568-572)
Theoderic (572-579)
Frithuwald (579-585)
Hussa (585-592)
Unified with Deira into Northumbria (c. 604)
Kingship of Deria2
Aelle (569-599)
Aethelric (599-604)
Unified with Deira into Northumbria (c. 604)
Kingship of Northumbria3
Aethelfrith (592-616)
Edwin (616-633)
Osric (Deira: 633-634)
Eanfrith (Bernicia: 633-634)
St. Oswald (634-642)
Oswiu (642-670)
St. Oswine (Deira: 644-651)
Aethelwald (Deira: 651-655)
Ecgfrith (670-685)
Aldfrith (686-705)
Eadwulf I (705-706)
Osred I (706-716)
Cenred (716-718)
Osric (718-729)
Ceolwulf (729-737)
Eadberht (737-758)
Oswulf (758-759)
Aethelwald (759-765)
Alhred (765-774)
Aethelred I (774-779)
Aelfwald I (779-788)
Osred II (788-790)
Aethelred I (790-796)
Osbald (796)
Eardwulf (796-808)
Aelfwald II (808)
E'rdwulf (808-809)
Eanred (809-841)
Aethelred II (841-844)
Redwulf (844)
Aethelred II (844-848)
Osbert (848-866)
Aelle (866-867)
Egbert I (867-873)
Ricsige (873-876)
Egbert II (876-878)
Eadwulf II (878-913)
Aldred (913-927)
Danish conquest of Deira (867); West Saxon annexation of Bernicia (927)
Kingship of Mercia4
Penda (633-655)
Northumbrian rule (655-658)
Wulfhere (658-675)
Aethelred I (675-704)
Cenred (704-709)
Ceolred (709-716)
Aethelbald (716-757)
Beornred (757)
Offa (757-796)
Ecgfrith (796)
Cenwulf (796-821)
Ceolwulf I (821-823)
Beornwulf (823-825)
Ludeca (825-827)
Wiglaf (827-840)
West Saxon rule (829-830)
Berhtwulf (840-852)
Burgred (852-874)
Ceolwulf II (874-879)
Aethelred II (879-911)
Aethelflaed (911-918)
Aelfwyn (918-919)
West Saxon annexation of Mercia 919
Kingship of Wessex5
Cerdic (519-534)
Cynric (534-560)
Ceawlin (560-591)
Ceol (591-597)
Ceolwulf (597-611)
Cynegils (611-642)
Cenwalh (642-672)
Seaxburh (672-674)
Aescwine (674-676)
Centwine (676-685)
Caedwalla (685-688)
Ine (688-726)
Aethelheard (726-740)
Cuthred (740-756)
Sigeberht (756-757)
Cynewulf (757-786)
Berhtric (786-802)
Egbert (802-839)
- [S38] John Morby, Oxford Dynasties of the World (Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1989), pages 75-76.
- [S38] ibid., 'age 64.
- [S38] ibid., pages 64-65.
- [S38] ibid., pages 65-66.
- [S38] ibid., page 66.